Concluded events
Presentations and meetings
BO.CONNECT: careers and innovation in the Metropolitan Area
Join the events to discover the most in-demand skills in the metropolitan area of Bologna, through insights from the business world, research sector, and Unibo Alumni.
Career guidance and work
Discover our degree programmes during the Virtual Fairs 2025
he annual online events to discover all degree programmes offered by the University of Bologna.
Alma Mater Fest: the festival dedicated to the student community
Università di Bologna - Via Zamboni, 33
From 21 to 23 October, three days of meetings, debates, music, guidance activities, and guided tours in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, and Rimini. Take part in the events.
Alma Mater Fest: the festival dedicated to the student community
Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, and Rimini
From 21 to 23 October, three days of meetings, debates, music, guidance activities, and guided tours in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, and Rimini. Take part in the events.
Presentations and meetings
Italiani che lasciano l'Italia
A Book Presentation
Program of the conference "Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures"
Online conference
IV Midterm Conference of the Research Network 37 - Urban Sociology of ESA - European Sociological Association, organized in collaboration with the Department of Sociology and Business Law
Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures (Bologna, 27-29 January 2021) - Call for Abstracts
Online Conference
All the info about the call are available in the attached file and at the conference website. Deadline for submissions is September 6, 2020.
Capitalismo delle infrastrutture, infrastrutture dell’esperienza: antropocene, lavoro e città
Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell’Economia. Strada Maggiore, 45. Bologna. Aula Achille Ardigò (1° piano)
Ciclo di seminari
Presentation meeting "Student for Africa - 2020"
Aula Magna Spisa – Via Belmeloro, 10
On December 18, take part in the initiative of the Alma Mater dedicated to its students and included in the Startup Day event, to stimulate forms of entrepreneurship with an impact in African countries. link:
Seminar Cultural diversity and fundamental rights
Palazzo Verdi, Ravenna, Via Pasolini
Teaching on Public law and protection of fundamental rights. I-Contact Second-Cycle Degree
3MT – Three Minute Thesis Competition: a challenge to PhD students
Scuderia FF Urban Coolab - Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 2, Bologna