ISA Medal for Science 2015 to Prof. Robert Putnam - Oct 14, 2015

  • Date: 14 October 2015 from 16:00 to 18:00

The Academic Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies at Unibo has granted Prof. Robert Putnam with the ISA Medal for Science 2015.

Testo: More than twenty years ago Prof. Putnam published his famous study Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, (La Tradizione Civica nelle Regioni Italiane, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1993), analysing the causes of the different performance of the administrations in the Italian Regions.


When: OCT 14, 2015 FROM 04:00 PM TO 06:00 PM

Where: Sala dell’VIII Centenario, via Zamboni 33, Bologna


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