LECTURE “Chosen aspects of violence against children – its definition, types, possibilities of help for abused children and problem’s diagnosis in Poland”

Corso di Laurea in Scienze Criminologiche per l’Investigazione e la Sicurezza

  • Data: 18 maggio 2016 dalle 17:00 alle 19:05

  • Luogo: Aula 3 Teaching Hub Forlì

Prof. Andrea Bassi – Università di Bologna

PhD Małgorzata Bozacka ‒ University of Rzeszow


The lecture will cover the following topics: the definitions of violence; description of how violence against children works; examples of what forms it can take and account of its most important consequences. Moreover methods of recognizing violence in different areas will be shown, such as: physical, mental, sexual; as well as an illustration of the problem children neglecting. The crucial questions are: what should we particularly be focused on while talking to a child, who is a potential victim of violence, and their parents or the legal responsible person.

Then, possibilities of help for abused children will be discussed. The lecture will try to determine what data from the interview and somatic symptoms can indicate different types of violence against children such as: physical, mental, sexual or as well occurrence of neglect.
The last issue taken into account is the scale of domestic violence in Poland including violence against children, on the basis of police statistics from years 2012-2015. Finally, data from our nationwide diagnosis concerning the issue of violence against children led by Nobody’s Children Foundation will be presented.