Ciclo di Seminari 2017 Social innovation and its discontents

Prof. Christopher Fox Professor of Evaluation and Policy Analysis Director of the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU), Department of Sociology Manchester Metropolitan University

  • Data: 10 maggio 2017 dalle 10:00 alle 17:30

  • Luogo: Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore 45, Aula B del Dipartimento SDE

Contatto di riferimento:

Ore 10.00 – 12.30

Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore 45, Aula B del Dipartimento SDE

The role of evidence and evaluation

in social innovation policy and practice

Ore 15.00-17.30

Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore 45, Aula B del Dipartimento SDE

A comparison of social investment in the UK and Europe:

Different approaches to the role of the market in welfare reform


Introduce e modera:

Prof. Riccardo Prandini

Coordinatore del Dottorato in Sociologia e Ricerca sociale